Monday, December 24, 2007

And we're off

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the airport,
Not a creature was stirring, except for our SmarteCarte.
Our suitcases were packed with the utmost care,
How ever did I fit all my shoes in there?
With Dad in his Arone’s shirt and I in my best,
Scarcely believing we get to go first class!
To Sicily we go on an A330,
Fulfilling a dream that’s taken me thirty.
As we roared down the runway, Dad let out a laugh,
Merry Christmas to all and good riddance to the year past!


Frankie said...

Hi Laura!
Didn't know you were a poet!! Great writing! Can't wait to hear of your travels and adventures. FIRST CLASS!!?? Yeah, for you!
ps...hi to your dad!

Teresa said...

I am sooo jealous!!! You guys are going to have an awesome time. Have a safe flight. Say HI to dad also:)


Momz said...

'Tis the day after Christmas and all through the house - the only creature stirring is Mom and (yippee)no mouse! The driveway has been shoveled again and again. What happened to the guy I hired? No payment shall I send.
Okay, enough of that...
Laura, your Paris dream is becoming a reality! I am anxious for pictures and more creative writing. Love you, Mom

Joe said...

"'twas the night before christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring except...the 4 assholes coming through the front-2 by 2 cover formation" (Die Hard) i hope you are having the time of your life. tell all i say hello and god bless.

Unknown said...

'Twas two days after Christmas and all through malls, every shopper was splurging and dragging a spouse;

the retailers drooled off their chins in despair, their meek hopes in Bernanke looking like a bad dare;

And Laur in her Choos and Pa in his Maglis, had just wandered in thinking Rome was too Cali;

when out in the courtyard there arose such a clatter they sprang from their cab - no english no matter! Away down the street they ran for the bash, ate some panini and threw down some cash;

when what to their wondering eyes should appear, but some man in a hat and his consigliere;

with his outrageous staff and his colorful ware, they knew in a moment the Pope was now there. More rapid than eagles Tom's curses they came, he whistled and catcalled and worked in profane..


Sorry - I'd write more but I need to get out of the office before I'm the last one here. Anyway, couldn't resist taking a crack at it as well. Laura, please say hi to the Senior Oberg for me. I will send additional thoughts I have about Paris. Enjoy!


Ed said...

Good luck Laura, happy new year, it's still 2007 here in Denver.